Tragic: the naked elyas glitch

Well theres a glitch in the game making elyas randomly lose his clothes, no clue what that's about or WHY THATS HAPPENING but im quite baffled by it as theres really no reason I can find that could be causing this, terribly sorry, the good news is hes censored, the bad news is, depending on your definition of bad, idk maybe you wanna do an elyas no clothes speedrun idk, now his clothes randomly vanish and i have no idea why. I mean the mans built like a ken doll thankfully but welp thats unintentional


sorry about that

and sorry for the other glitches

sincerely it was 2 am by the time i finished my last update, and i am very small and i do not know what i am doing, please be gentle with your dev <3

I am SO sorry guys I'll try to fix it in the next update once I figure out what's going on

sHOUTOUT to my friend Person who's playing it and telling me all this

also seriously why is this  a problem TIPPIN KEEPS **HIS** CLOTHES ON, WHY WONT ELYAS!?!!!!!! what are THEY DOING DIFFERENTLY ITS THE SAME EXACT CODE? WHAT IS CODING? IS IT SOUP? IS THIS SOUP ? ? IS THAT WHY IT BURNS? weep! sob! cry! sniff sniff! sniffle! WAIL!

Get Friends and Furntasy

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