Say HELLO to Eirwen! The catdeer who runs the Sleeping Kitten Inn is here to cook up some interesting dishes with you!
You can only try one dish for now, but I intend to add a LOT more to the game! You can also do a few random little mini versions of your usual workday with him, for now at least!
He's the victim of a strange curse, and not always the friendliest, but he has a very kind heart underneath it all!

Please enjoy the create-a-brownie mini game! I intend to make more now that I know I can actually draw foods! Expect all sorts of interesting dishes and treats!
And also terrible things you can make instead <3

remember to check out the hang out with someone area after you complete your first mission at the tavern to get to know him a bit more personally!
Or to tick him off, if you want!

the bad news is i havent added a few other things I originally planned for the next update, but hey we're getting to where we soon should have a fully functioning prototype!

just...several..several more jobs to go set up! once they're set up I can focus on just adding more things to do in each one AND get to the main storyline :)


Friends and Furntasy 267 MB
Jun 19, 2024 355 MB
Version 1.0 99 days ago 355 MB
Version 1.0 99 days ago

Get Friends and Furntasy

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